Kite Related Book Stuff
Leistungsstarke Lenkdrachen zum Nachbauen | Peter Rieleit | 3-473-42286-X | 1993 |
Das grosse Drachenbuch | Paul u. Helene Morgan | 3-473-42285-1 | 1992 |
Das Drachenbuch | Ron Moulton | 3-473-42283-5 | 1978 |
Drachen bauen | Werner Backes | 3-473-42281-9 | 1984 |
Drachen aus aller Welt | Werner Backes | 3-332-00694-0 | 1998 |
Drachen einfach und schnell gebaut | Werner Backes | 3-473-42284-3 | 1989 |
Drachen kombinieren und verketten | Werner Backes | 3-473-42284-3 | 1989 |
Drachen mit Geschichte * | Walter Diem, Werner Schmidt | 3-88034-656-9 | 1993 |
Drachenmodelle zum Selberbauen | Jack Botermans, Alice Weve | 3-88034-269-5 | 1986 |
Flugobjekte zum Selberbauen | Walter Diem | 3-88034-403-5 | 1989 |
Windspiele und Wetterfahnen | Walter Diem | 3-88034-730-1 | 1994 |
Drachen Modelle zum Selberbauen | Peter Ripota | 3-88034-221-0 | 1984 |
Drachen bauen und steigen lassen | Wolfgang Schimmelpfennig | 3-8068 0767-1 | 1992 |
Phantastische Drachenwelt | Wolfgang Schimmelpfennig | 3-8068-45136-1 | 1991 |
Neue Lenkdrachen und Einleiner | Wolfgang Schimmelpfennig | 3-8068-1353-1 | 1993 |
Drachen * | David Pelham | 3-7701-0946-5 | 1976 |
Drachen - Spiele mit dem Wind | Rainer Neuner | 3-85502-476-6 | 1994 |
...und sie fliegen heute noch * | Hans Snoek | 3-926598-87-5 | 1993 |
...und sie fliegen heute noch, Bd.II * | Hans Snoek | 3-926598-71-9 | 1992 |
Lenkdrachen ABC | H.E. Rocker | H.E.Rocker | 1992 |
KITES - Das Buch der Drachen | A. Gams, S. Gedicke | 3-927624-67-5 | 1991 |
Wir bauen Drachen | Friedhelm Winkel | 3-358-00545-3 | 1986 |
Windspiele- Die Kunst des Drachensteigens | Achim Käflein, Jens Jancke | 3-7658-0631-5 | 1989 |
Asiatische Drachen * | Franz Arz | 3-8043-0197-5 | 1992 |
Skywork II | Christine Schertel | Skywork Agentur | 1993 |
1x1 des Lenkdrachenfliegens | Andreas Grimm | 3-548-27646-64 | 1995 |
Lenkdrachen Neue Modelle, Buggys und Boote | S.van der Horst, Nop Velthuizen | 90-6868-086-2 | 1994 |
Drachen | Michael Gessner | 3-7724-1037-5 | 1987 |
Trick Flight School | Dodd Gross | 3-930734-04-4 | 1997 |
Parawings | Wolf Beringer | 3-88180-091-3 | 1996 |
Windspiele und Drachen | Heidi Grund-Thorpe,Natscha Sanwald | 3-7787-3506-3 | 1996 |
Einfache Drachen selber bauen | Herbert Januschkowetz | 3-8241-0800-3 | 1998 |
Rund um den Drachen | Walter Diem | 3-88034-842-1 | 1997 |
Drachen für Einsteiger und Aufsteiger | Stefan Schönberg | 3-7724-2097-4 | 1996 |
Englischsprachige Bücher - my english kite related books: [top]
Kiteworks * | Maxwell Eden | 0-8069-6712-9 | 1989 | |
The Magnificent Book of Kites * | Maxwell Eden | 1-57912-025-3 | 1998 | |
Fighter Kites | Phiippe Gallot | 0-312-03964-6 | 1989 | |
The Fighter Kite Book | David Gomberg | 1-884496-01-6 | 1992 | |
Sport Kite magic * | David Gomberg | 1-884496-03-2 | 1996 | |
Stunt Kites * | David Gomberg | 1-884496-02-4 | 1988 | |
Step by Step Making Kites | David Michael | 1-85697-923-7 | 1993 | |
The Kite Store Book of Kites | Mark Cotrell | The Kite Store | 1988 | |
The S.F.Cody Archive - Catalogue | Sotheby`s | 874867 | 1996 | |
Kites for Everyone | Margaret Greger | 3-8068 0767-1 | 1992 | |
More Kites for Everyone | Margaret Greger | 0-9613680-1-4 | 1990 | |
The Art of The Japanese Kite * | Tal Streeter | 0-8348-0157-4 | 1974 | |
A Kite Journey Through India * | Tal Streeter | 0-8348-0301-1 | 1996 | |
Super Kites II | Neil Thorburn | Neil Thorburn | 1983 | |
Super Kites III | Neil Thorburn | 0-962935433 | 1991 | |
Kites and Windsocks * | Jim Rowlands | 0-7134-6705-3 | 1992 | |
Big Book of Kites | Jim Rowlands | 0-312020473 | 1988 | |
One-Hour Kites | Jim Rowlands | 0-312-03218-8 | 1989 | |
S.F. Cody`s War Kites * | Hugh J.G. Andrew | H. Andrew | 1992 | |
The Big Book Of Parachuting Teddybears | Hugh Andrew, John Barker | H. Andrew | 1994 | |
Box Kites - Making and Flying | Bill Cochrane | 0-7134-6920-X | 1993 | |
Kites - an historical survey * | Clive Hart | 0-911858-40-7 | 1967 | |
Kites | Ron Moulton, Pat Lloyd | 1-85486-050-X | 1992 | |
Kites | Ron Moulton, Pat Lloyd * | 1-85486-143-3 | 1997 | |
Kite Precision | Ron Reich | 0-9639010-2-8 | 1993 | |
25 Kites That Fly | Leslie L. Hunt | 0-486-22550-X | 1929 | |
Kites - The Science and the Wonder | Dr.Toshi Ito, Hirotsugu Komura | 8-87040-526-8 | 1983 | |
The Tao of Kiteflying * | Harm van Veen | 0-937315-01-X | 1996 | |
Kites - Paperwings Over Japan * | S.Skinner, Al Fujino | 0-500-27942-X | 1997 | |
Art That Flies | Dayton Art Institute | 0-937809-10-1 | 1991 | |
The Creative Book of Kites | Sarah Kent | 0765194937 | 1996 | Catch The Wind: All About Kites | Gail Gibbons | 0-316309960 | 1995 |
The Flying Cathedral: The Story of S.F.Cody | A.G.Lee | Methuen | 1965 | |
Fishing for Angels: The Magic of Kites | David Evans, Adele D'Arcy | 1-550371622 | 1991 | |
The Great Kite Book | Norman Schmidt | 1-895569362 | 1997 | |
The Usborne Book of Kites | Carol Law | 0-746007086 | 1992 | |
Kite Craft | Lee Scott Newman | 0-517-514702 | 1974 | |
Kite Flier | Dennis Haseley, D. Wiesner | 0-689716680 | 1993 | |
The Complete Book of Kites & Kite Flying | Will Yolen | 0-671-22191-4 | 1976 | |
The Emperor and the Kite | Jane Yolen | 0-698-11644-5 | 1967 | Complete Beginner's Guide to Making and Flying Kites | Edward F. Dolan | 0-385049056 | 1976 |
Kiting to Record Altitudes | Richard P. Synergy | 0-9696954-0-4 | 1994 | |
Flights of Imagination: An Introduction to Aerodynamics | Wayne Hosking | 0-873550676 | 1990 | |
Building Kites | Nancy Ann Belsky | 0-86651-918-1 | 1995 | |
From Crystals to Kites | Ron Kremer | 0-86651-798-7 | 1995 |
German kite related books I like to own: [top]
Originelle Drachen zum Nachbauen | Thomas Erfurth, Harald Schlitzer | 3-8241-0340-0 | 1988 |
Lenkdrachen zum Nachbauen | Thomas Erfurth, Harald Schlitzer | 3-8241-0355-9 | 1989 |
Drachen - Spiel und Sport für jung und alt | Toni Klaus | 3-8174-2314-4 | ? |
Drachen einfach und schnell gebaut | Werner Backes | 3-473-45680-2 | 1992 |
Drachen selber bauen | Susan Tyrrell | 3-453-41371-7 | ? |
Drachenbau mit Erfolg | Axel G. Voss | 3-49-52769-1 | 1987 |
Alles über Drachenbau | Carpentier Didier,Bachelet Jael | 3-419-52702-0 | 1980 |
Wind und Wetter Spielebuch | Hubert Bruns, Detlef Krügerl | 3-466-11084-x | 1987 |
Drachen, Flieger Bumerangs | Franz Weiß | 3-8241-0443-1 | 1991 |
Lenkdrachen richtig einstellen | Urs Leibacher | 3-8068-1585-2 | ? |
Drachen selbstgebaut | Baker Roha, Denyer Miles | 3-576-10392-9 | ? |
Lenkdrachen: Material, Technik und Modelle | Axel Voss | 3-88034-782-4 | ? |
Die Kunst des Drachenbaus | Wang Hongxung | 7-119-00015-2 | ? |
Flugdrachen: Architekten bauen Drachen | Formalhaut | 3-927902-90-X | ? |
Lenkdrachenhandbuch | Dr.H.E.Rocker | 3-930734-00-1 | ? |
English kite related books I like to own: [top]
The Penguin Book of Kites | David Pelham | 0-14-004117-6 | 1976 | |
Come Fight a Kite | Dinesh Bahadur | 0-8178-5927-6 | 1978 | |
Kite building | Dinesh Badahur | TAB | 1984 | |
Kite Flight | Jack Botermans, Alice Wever | 0-03-008518-7 | 1986 | |
Chinese Kite Artistic | Kuiming Ha, Yiqi Ha | 962-07-5034-7 | ? | |
Kites | Kuiming Ha, Yiqi Ha | 7-80551-254 | 1990 | |
Chinese Kites How to Make and Fly Them | D. F. Jue | 0-804801010 | 1967 | Kites: Sculpting The Sky | Tsutomu Hiroi | 0-241-1001-1 | 1978 |
Kites: Plastic Art in the Air | Tsutomu Hiroi | Tokyo | 1972 | |
World on a String: The Story of Kites | Jane H. Yolen | 0-529003945 | 1969 | |
Kites to Make and Fly | Jim Rowlands | B.T.Batsford | 1989 | |
Making and Flying Modern Kites | Jim Rowlands | B.T.Batsford | 1989 | |
Kites | Wayne Hosking | 1-567990711 | 1994 | |
Kites to Touch the Sky | Wayne Hoskins | 0-89708165-X | 1991 | |
Chinese Kites | David Jue | Tuttle Inc. | 1984 | |
L.Hargrave:Explorer,Inventor & Aviation Experimenter | W.Shaw, O.Ruhen | Cassel Ltd. | 1977 | |
Easy-To-Make Decorative Kites | A.and G.Bridgewater | 0-486249816 | 1986 | |
Stunt Kite Basics | Richard P. Synergy | 0-9696954-0-3 | ? | |
Making Kites | Rhoda Baker, Miles Denyer | 1-85076-366-6 | 1993 | |
Flying Kites | Rhoda Baker, Miles Denyer | 0-785803351 | 1995 | |
Kites: Twelve Easy-To-Make High Fliers | Norma Dixon, Linda Hendry | 0-68814490-X | 1996 | |
Kites on the Wind | Emery J. Kelly, J. Hagerman | 0-822524007 | 1991 | |
How to Fly a Kite: A Kiteflier's Manual | Miller Makey | 0-963117599 | 1992 | |
Pictures for the Sky : Art Kites | ? | 2-891929993 | 1995 | |
Your Book of Kites | Clive Hart | 0-571047122 | ? | |
The Complete World of Kites | Bill Thomas | 0-397011601 | 1977 | |
Create-A-Kite : How to Build and Fly Your Own Kites | ? | 0-671228838 | 1977 | |
The Kite Building and Kite Flying Handbook | Jack Wiley | 0-382068386 | 1984 | |
Dynamite Kites: 30 Plans to Build and Fly | Jack Wiley | 0-830629696 | 1988 | |
Flying Kites | James Wagenvoord | 0-020826605 | 1969 | |
Fun With Kites | John Dyson, Kate Dyson | 0-812051394 | 1978 | |
Getting Started in Kitemaking | Leslie L. Hunt | 0-028031504 | 1971 | |
Go Fly a Kite | Edward F. Jr. Dolan | 0-671123769 | 1979 | |
The Highflying World of Kites | Ray Paprocki | 0-874064317 | 1989 | |
How to Have Fun Making Kites | Creative Educational Society | 0-871912732 | 1981 | |
How to Make and Fly Kites | Eve Barwell | 0-517141612 | 1976 | |
Kite Flying | Dorothy Childers Schmitz | 0-913940925 | 1978 | |
Kite Making and Flying | Harold Ridgeway | 0-517093219 | 1969 | |
Kitefolio | Timothy Burkhart | 0-91366829-X | 1979 | |
Kites | Wyatt Brummitt | 0-307643441 | 1972 | |
Kites | Larry Kettlekamp | 0-688315844 | 1977 | |
Kites | Malcolm McPhun | 0-382064372 | 1980 | |
Kites: A Practical Guide to Kitemaking and Flying | H.Waller, Jr. Fowler | 0-471070912 | 1953 | |
Kites: How to Fly Them, How to Build Them | Ambrose Lloyd | 0-030174767 | 1976 | |
Kites and kite flying | Ambrose Lloyd | Hamlyn | 1978 | |
Making and Flying Kites | Ambrose Lloyd | Beaver Books | 1977 | |
Kites: How to Make and Fly Them | Marion Downer | 0-688512275 | 1959 | |
Kites: The Gentle Art of High Flying | Susan Tyrrell | 0-385130554 | 1978 | |
Kites and Flying Objects (Rainy Days) | Denny Robson | 0-531173429 | 1992 | |
Kites at empty airports | Joseph Pintauro | 0-060802553 | ? | |
Kites to make and fly | Jack Newham | 0-14049149-X | 1976 | |
Kites | Herman Emil Roy | 0-912318120 | 1971 | |
Kites and Other Wind Machines | Andre Theibault | 0-806978201 | 1982 | |
Kites Crackers and Craftsmen | ? | 0-812009479 | ? | |
Kites for All Seasons | Weston W. George | 0-809277093 | 1978 | |
Kites That Really Fly | ? | 0-831760311 | 1990 | |
Kites, kites, kites | Bruce H. Mitton | 0-84731765-X | 1980 | |
Let's Make a Kite! | Jack Stokes | 0-679203257 | 1976 | |
Make a Kite | Peter Murray, Penny Dann | 1-567660835 | 1994 | |
Why Kites Fly: The Story of the Wind at Work | Don Dwiggins | 0-516088882 | 1976 | |
High Fliers | Saito Tadao | Japan Pub. Inc. | 1969 | |
Kitefolio | T. Burckhardt | Wildwood House | 1974 | |
Kites | D. Carpentier | E.P. Publishing | 1981 | |
Kitemaking and flying | J. Flood | EARO | 1980 | |
Kites | J. Folon | Barrons Educational Service | 1981 | |
Kites | Gribble, McPhee | Kestrel | 1977 | |
Make your own kite | John W. Jordan | Armstrong,Houston | 1981 | |
Making and flying kites | J. Kine | Model & Allied Pub. | 1978 | |
Kite flying is for me | T. Moran | Lerner Publ. Co. | 1984 | |
Kites | J.P. Mouvier | Collins | 1974 | |
Kites and Gliders | J. Rutland | F. Watts | 1977 | |
Kites flying | Dorothy Schmitz | Crestwood House | 1978 | |
Wings and Things | Stephen Weiss | St. Martins Press | 1984 | |
Kites | B. White | Scimitar | 1977 |
Weitere Bücher mit Drachenthemen - German books for kite lovers:
Year |
Groß am Himmel | Reinhold Ziegler | 30-407-78109-1 | 1987 |
Drachenpiloten | Keith Roberts | 3-453-05406-7 | 1991 |
Drachenreise | Ruedi Epple-Grass | 3-7296-0388-4 | 1991 |
Kiting Cartoons | Gerhard Nowak | 3-88180-501-X | ? |