...always look on the bright site of life...
tmr`s kite site of life
Kites ? KITES ! Collected by Thomas-Michael Rudolph

Own stuff:
Kite gallery of published plans - Eigene veröffentlichte Drachenbaupläne
Kite gallery: fullsize (!! RAM-Eater !!) or thumbnail - Drachenbilder von eigenen Drachen
Kite plans (single line kites only) - Drachen-Baupläne
   Pearson Roller
   Pearson Split-Malay
   Sode Dako
   Double Parasled
   Rogallo Flexible Kite
   Baden-Powell Manlifter
   Harry Sauls' Sled
   Geflügelter Cody-Drachen
Construction of low-wind kites (german) - Konstruktion von Leichtwinddrachen
Kite Books - Drachenbücher
Kite History:
Lindenberg - 1919 attitude record of kite train in Germany - pictures and text
Stölln - 1896 early flight pioneer Otto Lilienthal`s deadly crash 
Original Cody Kite - Plan with pictures of a ninety years old Cody Kite from Sotheby`s 
Original Sauls Barrage Kite - Plan und Fotos (german) - english version coming soon
Cody's Early Box Kites - pictures
Unknown Cody Kite - pictures
Impressions of a High Fly Competition of the Royal Aeronautical Society in 1903 - pictures
Kites and submarines in Germany - Focke-Achgelis FA330 (german)
Development of the Flowform Kite - Entwicklung der Flowform
Tetraeder Principle In Kite Structures - Das Tetraederprinzip in Drachenformen
Kite Web:
Pictures and stories of kite events (german) - Drachenfestberichte
   Stölln 28.3.-31.3.97
   Drachenfest Berlin Mitte 26.4.-27.4.97
   Walpurgisnachtdrachenfliegen am Höllberghof in Langengrassau (Luckau) 30.4.97
   Frühlingsfliegen des DCB Berlin, Marienfelde, 1.5.97
   Drachentreffen am Höllberghof in Langengrassau (Luckau) 31.5. -1.6.97
   Int. Kite Fliers Meeting Fanø 1997 , 20.-22.6.97
   Stölln 8.8.-10.8.97
   Wismar 16.8.97
   Int. Kite Fliers Meeting Fanø 1998, 19.-21.6.98
   Wismar 15.8.98
   Warnemünde 5.9.98 - 6.9.98
   Int. Kite Fliers Meeting Fanø 1999, 18.-20.6.99
Guest Book: 
Gästebuch - Sign my guest book

©1997 Thomas-Michael Rudolph